Managing human resources at Samat


One of Samat’s ambitions: be a European leader in sensitive product transportation. But it is difficult to be a key player in this very demanding sector without talented teams. Recruitment, the integration of new employees and in-house training guarantee the quality of our services. This is why we believe human resource management to be extremely important.





How does Samat recruit and integrate new talent? Selection, integration, awareness…


Beyond the qualities of rigour and professionalism required by our demanding industry, great attention is paid during the selection process to responsibility and the right attitude to join our small teams that are fully committed to their missions.

As soon as they arrive, our new employees go on an integration and training course tailored to their role.

All of our teams are taught about ADR regulations and have the basic knowledge required for transporting sensitive goods on the road. Furthermore, all supervisory staff go on an awareness course on our anti-corruption policy.

Drivers are supported by our Safety Monitors our Expert Drivers for the time necessary to prove their skills and competence in driving, loading and unloading operations.


What does Samat do to build loyalty and motivate its employees? Work environment, pay, personal development…


Samat agencies have attractive workspaces. Our company now operates on a European scale, but working at Samat means first and foremost belonging to a local, small company. Counselling and psychological support is available upon request from the supervisor when a vulnerable situation is detected or in the case of an incident that may have a traumatic impact.

Our pay policy endeavours to provide our employees with a competitive and benchmarked global packag in terms of salary and the levels guaranteed. Particular attention is paid to healthcare and pension contributions in line with the current systems in each country.

Regular personal reviews provide us with the aspirations of our employees in terms of training and professional development. A certain number of our Drivers are promoted to the roles of Operators or Safety Monitors.




How does Samat train its employees? Developing and maintaining skills, inspections and customised support…


Depending on the specific requirements of each business, every employee can receive specific training, for example in management and raising awareness on psycho-social risks for supervisory staff.

Our Drivers receive the following training:

– ADR,

– mandatory in-house training, required for all haulage drivers,

– and other training specific to some of our customers.

Mandatory in-house training is provided, in France, by our company trainers, under state delegation. This system means we can manage the quality of training provided and strengthen the sense of belonging to the Group.

We encourage mentoring between our employees through our Expert Driver team. We are convinced that sharing employee expertise drives us further forward. Finally, our Safety Monitors regularly carry out inspections and provide field support to validate the levels of professionalism achieved by our Drivers. They also implement corrective measures where necessary.

Maintaining our expertise and professionalism is one of Samat’s fundamental commitments. This is our management teams approach their work, every day.